Despite the enactment of a number of public finance management reforms since the 1990s, misappropriation of public funds in Uganda remains a challenge. For example, scandals in the Office of the Prime Minister where UGX 60 billion was stolen and UGX 340 billion was lost to ghost pensioners in the Ministry of Public Services prompted several donor governments to suspend budget support to Uganda in 2012. In response to this and other challenges, the government took advantage of provisions in existing laws and regulations to initiate a number of new reforms and measures to further strengthen public financial management and improve public service delivery.This report examines the progress and impact of these on-going public finance management reforms undertaken by the MFPED since 2012/13. These reforms include the implementation of the Treasury Single Account (TSA), upgrading the Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) and the Integrated Personnel and Payroll System (IPPS), improving wage and payroll management, improving budget formulation, implementation, monitoring and reporting; and strengthening budget transparency.