Event Date & TimeAug 27 - 28, 201909:00 AM - 04:00 PM |
Event LocationThimpu, Bhutan |
This workshop was attended by the internal audit teams of the Royal Government of Bhutan, Indonesia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and the states of Assam and Uttarakhand from India. Representatives from the Institute of Internal Auditors Malaysia, and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India; the Royal Audit Authority and the Anti-Corruption Commission of Bhutan; the World Bank and Austrian Development Cooperation, also graced the occasion. Ernst & Young LLP (EY LLP) India provided technical support for the event.
In all, there were 6 technical sessions and the topics were selected in a manner to bring out good practices and unique features in a country/state’s internal audit function and familiarize the participants to the new technologies and audit approaches. Participating government officials described their internal audit organization and practices and highlighted their strengths and weaknesses. The core technical sessions were on performance audit, risk-based audits and disruptive technologies affecting internal audit. The technical sessions culminated in a panel discussion. There was a high degree of audience participation with informative discussions on the ground realities, implementation challenges and possible solutions.