Research Papers

Hello, World: Artificial intelligence and its use in the public sector

  • Jamie Berryhill, Kévin Kok Heang, Rob Clogher, Keegan McBride
  • Jan 2019
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  • International

In adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI), the public sector has trailed behind the private sector. However, governments are seeking to rapidly catch up possibly through integration with policy making and service design process. This paper is prepared to help government officials understand AI and navigate considerations specific to the public sector. Government can use—and in many cases in OECD is already using—AI to innovate. Many governments have also launched projects that use AI to improve efficiency and decision making, foster positive relationships with citizens and businesses, help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, and solve problems in critical fields such as health, transportation and security. Having said this, while AI can help promote innovation in government, it is not the solution for every problem and governments must take into account many considerations when seeking to explore further with it.