Event Date & Time
September 30, 2020
11am to 1:00pm

Webinar on Outcome Budget

The World Bank had organized a virtual training (webinar) on ‘Outcome Budget’ for officers of the Government of Uttarakhand on September 30, 2020. A total of 57 persons from 29 government departments and agencies of Uttarakhand participated in this webinar. The Planning Department, Uttarakhand served as the Nodal Department for this capacity building initiative.

This webinar was organized with a view to improve the quality of the outcome budget of Uttarakhand. The State, under the Uttarakhand Public Financial Management Strengthening Project (UkPFMS), desires to bring in reforms in planning and budgeting with a view to deliver on development outcomes with economy, efficiency and effectiveness. The Project is supporting the Planning Department in exercises around rationalization of schemes and developing a medium-term expenditure framework (MTEF), along with outcome budgeting reforms.

The webinar was delivered by Mr. Srinivas Alamuru (Consultant, The World Bank and ex-DAG of CAG). The training material, which comprised a presentation and sample outcome budgets of other Indian states, was shared with the participants in advance. The team benefitted from the technical guidance of Mr. Manoj Kumar Pant, Additional Director, Planning Department, GoUk and ACEO, CPPGG. The webinar was divided into four sections, each followed by a Q&A session and inclusive of interactive exercises.

Report on the 'Webinar on Outcome Budget' along with the presentation and training materials may be accessed by members upon logging in.