The discussion paper analyses the evolving nature of developing country debt and solutions for change. The aim is to identify relevant reform processes on an international level, and more practically to keep progressive actors that want to drive change informed about existing opportunities. The timeframe looked at begins with the year 2000, when the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were adopted, to the present day as the international community takes on the challenge to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Understanding debt problems, so that debt crises can be prevented or at least resolved in a speedy and effective manner, is crucial in terms of achieving development goals. This first part of this report contains a short summary of these risks, mainly those related to external and sovereign debt. The second part of the report considers the solutions. This report complements earlier Eurodad research and valuable research carried out by Eurodad member organisations and partners from other regions, which have done tremendous work in recent years to monitor debt problems and analyse the new debt crisis risks.